Wednesday, January 29, 2014

First English Assignment

Just an hour before I have to go to class, I finally finished my English assignments for this week. Phew! That was a close one! Juggling around 2 jobs while being a full time college student is not easy, but it is possible. You just really have to push yourself (i.e. stay away from facebook, actually more like staying away from the internet altogether). The assignment I was given was to read about writing business letters and memos and then we actually had to write a business letter to the teacher describing what we've learned in previous English classes, what we still need to learn, and how we write/communicate in our daily lives. The books we read from were a huge help in writing the business letter. I've learned about writing business letters before in previous English classes, but it's been a few years and I haven't written any business letters lately so I was a bit rusty.  I very much doubt I could have written the business letter as well as I did without the books. They explained the exact format to write a business letter in (i.e. how many spaces, where to put the address, how to close the letter, etc...) and how concise it should be and what you should include in it. We were allowed to use a fake heading and fake address so naturally I used the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry heading (from Harry Potter) and had the address be 221b Baker Street London, England (from Sherlock).

Anyway, so far I'm really enjoying the class, my teacher is very friendly and open, it looks as though we're gonna have some pretty cool assignments (this blog for one), and I'm looking forward to sharpening my English skills. Surely I'm not the only one that's excited about this class... Anyone???